
Best jalapeno recipes?

Anyone have some good jalapeno recipes / preservation ideas? I already have a few pints of fermented hot sauce / puree from the first flush. Was thinking of pickling, making some cowboy caviar, stringing to dry or possibly even smoking them. Anyone have any tried and true recipes to share? (preferably shelf stable as fridge space is limited due to fridge pickles 🥒)

by shongumshadow


  1. combonickel55


    8 jalapenos, 16 oz faygo creme soda, 3 cubes of ice, 2 oz 60 proof brandy

    First, pour the brandy in a large cup or glass. Next, add the ice. Fill the remainder with the soda. Finally, take the 8 jalapenos and throw them in the garbage. This recipe actually works for any number of those disgusting things.

    Allow to chill 5 minutes, and enjoy your drink in the comforting knowledge that you don’t have to eat jalapenos.

  2. duke_flewk

    Cut two jalapeños in into ~1/4 slices, cook a burger and add 1 slice of cheese, 2 staggered layers of jalapeños (about 1/2” of spicy goodness) and another layer of cheese on top, and with indirect heat or ~20 seconds in the microwave to melt the cheese to hold together your new favorite lunch, add a bun and go to town! 

  3. WorldlinessThis2855

    I did a bunch of poppers with mine. Basically cream cheese, cheddar, salt and pepper and stuffed that in the jalapenos and then wrapped them in bacon. They were 🔥. Some quite literally 🥵

  4. CRAkraken

    I like making jalapeño simple syrup. A basic recipe is 2 cups sugar (any kind works) one part water and throw in the sliced peppers. Heat until all the sugar is dissolved. Bottle in a sterile glass bottle (I reuse salsa jars) and seal. A 2:1 simple should be shelf stable at room temperature.

    Great for cocktails and I really like making a spicy lemonade with it. My normal recipe only uses like 3-4 peppers so it won’t put too much of a dent in that pile.

  5. Tripelus

    Usually good soil and water will help the Jalapeños.

    All jokes aside, you can try to make a mean salsa or loof to make hot-sause. I think that Sambal with them would be sooooooo good

  6. Dry-Tomorrow8531

    I tell you what I do, cut the jalapenos on both ends. Throw them in a quart jar and then fill it up with a regular vinegar. 

    Throw it in the refrigerator and in at least a month. You’ve got some good pickled jalapenos to add to any dish and the vinegar I’ll throw in with my rice and beans or collards

  7. arachnid1110

    Not high end culinary school stuff, roast a couple or 5 if you’re a spice person, chop them fine, throw it into a quart of Greek yogurt with a packet of ranch dressing powder. Toss in crumbled bacon, pretty good easy dip.

  8. I alternate between just pickling them (2 parts water, one part vinegar, bring to boil, pack peppers in jars, and fill, water bath for 10 minutes. Add a clove or two of garlic to each jar of desired.). 

    Or, making them into candied jalapenos (aka cowboy candy). Google for recipes. Add a bit of calcium chloride to each jar to keep them crisp.

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