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LIL CASEAR’S PIZZA is MAD his evil plans got ruined 😡 #fallout #falloutnewvegas #memes

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  1. You'd think Ceaser, knowing all that courier 6 did by themselves' would tread a little lighter with his words. But then again, he probably knew what was coming and was just getting all that off his chest before he was mulched.

  2. A pathetic wastelander posing as a roman legend and going around fucking people with petty cosplayers doesn't scare much, i also hate slavers.

  3. I've played NV a couple times and I've never heard this dialogue before mainly because I always kill Caesar as soon as possible

  4. pulls out M1911 Been meaning to deliver a message from your old pal Joshua Graham cocks and aim gun no signature needed

  5. " fool I was shot in the head and death threw me back if death is too scared to take me. What chance have you?."

  6. My headcanon is that the Courier doesn't hear words and everybody just talks like our of Animal Crossing and he wasn't methodical he just kills everybody.

  7. Was half expecting the courier to just remove his helmet and its just a skeleton underneath. The embodiment of death

  8. “A wise and dead man once told me, “truth is the game was rigged from the start” now I leave you with that finally message Caesar” *big iron on his hip starts playing from the pip-boy*

  9. "Why do you dare stand before the mighty Caesar"
    "Funny, Vulpes asked me the exact same thing."
    Unholsters sawed off shotgun

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