
Grow Bag Surprise?

Wife sent me this text of an interaction she just had with one of our grow bags.

by Mundrik


  1. Harshpuppy2024

    They pop out of my pots too. Scares the crap out of me every time. 😁

  2. Do you guys think the kale in the grow bag is fine after this? lol

  3. MonneyTreez

    This happened to me once and two baby rabbits popped out of the soil

  4. MadPopette

    Friend, your kale has the hiccups. Please have it drink water upside down or something.

  5. SnakeHisssstory

    I remember I was digging out deep roots from a dead basil plant one spring and dug up a live toad. It was so frightening at first lol, but then I was like hey buddy, sorry.

  6. CobblerCandid998

    So OP just leaves us hanging?! I wanna see the fur-ball doing this!!!

  7. MammothFondant3020

    Now this is good content 😂😂

  8. Smoopy27

    This made my very uncomfortable week a little bit better. Thank you for this

  9. Comprehensive-Race-3

    I thought for sure it was going to be a mole!

  10. RespectTheTree

    Lol, pick em up and toss them on your neighbor that doesn’t care’s yard.

  11. BettaSplendens1

    was expecting a middle finger troll vid again lol

  12. Native_Masshole

    You know something is alive in there. Why would you keep crushing it down? Do you like hurting animals?

  13. ilex_verticillata

    Jesus I’m glad she didn’t crush him

  14. adorablefuzzykitten

    Way better than a mole or gofer.

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