
Repotting nightmare

Oh boy, I'm beside myself. My beautiful pothos has been hijacked. Here's the story: I was leaving for a week long trip a few weeks ago and I meantioned to my SO that I needed to repot my pothos as it had roots showing out of the bottom of the pot. The pothos is just over a year old and is hanging in a corner window and has been thriving there. I've been SO excited not to kill a plant! Fast forward to a week later and I arrived home to find that SO had repotted my plant. 😳 Ok, I took it easy on him and was super thankful that he helped me out. I did notice the plant was wet and asked him not to water it further. Fast-forward to tonight, 10 days after I returned home. I stuck my finger in the plant and it was still wet and there was water in the reservoir, and I noticed more leaves were yellowing . Hmmm….I hadn't watered the plant so the SO (he doesn't live with me) must have watered. I take the plant down from the ceiling hook and much to my horror, a huge chunk of the plant root ball is not buried! OMG and WTF! So, please help! It's been about 2 weeks since he repotted. Should I just add soil to the top, or should I pull the whole plant out and bury it deeper. I'm am heartbroken! Any advice is appreciated.

by Zinful1

1 Comment

  1. charlypoods

    pull it out. get fresh dry substrate and repot that baby the right way. Don’t water for a day or so as the roots will have some wounds and it gives them a little extra boost if we let those small wounds callous over/heal before introducing a more moist environment. honestly, I would wait at least 3 to at most 5 or 6 days before watering this plant. It sounds like you know how to water plants the right way. but just to recap, thoroughly drench the soil, letting the water run all the way through and then wait to water again until the top two inches of that soil is bone dry again

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