Backyard Garden

Backyard Photo Adventure – Landscapes, Birds and German Bunkers

Sometimes you don’t need to travel to the end of the world to get a great experiences with your camera – maybe the adventure actually starts in your backyard.
This time I am on a 2-day photo adventure close to where I live, and during this time, I am trying to capture some great moments using different photography technics.
I am photographing birds in flight, wildlife in very low light and working with slow shutter speeds to capture the movements of the waves on the beach at night.
Recipe on the Danish national dish I am making in the video is further down the description.

Enjoy watching.
See you out there…

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Brian Keane from the Complete Angler soundtrack.

“Stegt Flæsk med Persillesovs”
Fried Pork Belly and parsley sauce – an old traditional pork dish and everyday meal.

Fried Pork Belly with parsley sauce – is a genuine old rural dish that is orientated from the rustic Danish country kitchen from around the middle of the 1700s. Frying pork belly slices has been known since the Stone Age about 3-400 B.C. – and just as long – as peasants and hunters living in the Stone Age – have had pigs as their livestock. In the beginning of the 1800s the rural country kitchen added potatoes and white sauce and parsley to the fried pork belly slices – and the dish became one of the Danes most favorite and popular meals.


1000 g – Free range Pork belly in slices (unsalted)
1 kg – Organic Potatoes (new)
50 g – Organic Danish Butter
4 tablespoons – Wheat flour
4 dl – Organic Milk 3,5%
1 dl – Whipping Cream
1-2 dl – Chopped fresh parsley
1/4 teaspoon – Nutmeg – if preferred
Salt (according to taste)
Pepper (according to taste)


Prepare the Pork Belly:
– Cut the pork belly in 5-6 mm thick slices – then dry the slices on kitchen roll towel for a while. Season the slices with salt and pepper before frying.

Potatoes and Parsley:
– Start peeling the potatoes. Put them in a pot – and cover them with cold water. Boil the potatoes for 15-20 minutes. You can leave the skin on – if you prefer. Especially “new” potatoes of the season with very thin tender – white skin. Chop the parsley into pieces.Some parsley for the sauce and some for decoration.

The Parsley Sauce:
– Make a butter ball of butter and flour and stir continuously – while melting in the sauce pot – and until the mixture is turned into a consistent mass. Ad little milk and stir. Do not boil the sauce. Repeat until the sauce has the consistency that you favour. Not to thick and not to light.
You will end up having prepared a kind of white “béchamel sauce”. Add the whipping cream and taste the sauce. Put nutmeg in – if preferred. Then add all the chopped parsley – and season to taste with salt and pepper – while stirring. Let the sauce simmer for 5-10 minutes – so the ingredients are stirred and mixed together – while sucking up flavour.

Fry the pork belly:
– Fry the pork belly slices for almost 2 minutes on each side on a hot pan with moderate heat until they seam crispy and with a golden surface. Dry them again on kitchen roll towel – where some of the fat can drain – and keep the fried pork belly slices warm in an oven until serving.

Oven or Grill
– One can also put the pork belly in the heated 200° oven and fry for 20 minutes – while turning the slices after half the roasting time. In the summertime it is quicker to grill the pork belly slices on a well heated charcoal grill.

Serving the National Dish
– Put the lukewarm potatoes on a warm plate – arrange the fried pork belly strips – then pour the warm temperate parsley sauce over the potatoes. Sprinkle some fresh chopped parsley over the dish – and serve.

This recipe is from:



  1. Typen der reklamerer for stegt flæsk med persillesovs 😀 Den går kun heroppe i Nordjylland!

  2. Too good, Morten. Beautiful scenary, TD5, wildlife, birdlife, cruncy pork belly, new potatoes and parsley souce – all in the same edit. Thanks! 🤠🔥🎥 MB

  3. The hard life of wild life photographer! 🙂 I totally agree wih you: somethimes we come back at home with empty hands! But everythings are inside our memories!
    Be Wild, Always.

  4. What can't you do Morten? Mesmerizing!! From photography, fishing, harvesting wild edible plants, cooking for yourself plus others, carving spoons out of wood, camping, fires out and in your home…means you get your own firewood too! Topping it all off, world class photographer? I don't see anyone else display this type of well rounded natural style life! A huge WOW! We call our own areas like this cliffs on the small island live on!

  5. Who wouldn't want to just travel around with Morten, watching and learning from him, listening to his energy and excitement for life and what is living, and of course, enjoying his food…?

  6. I am 50 yrs old. I’ve been interested in photography for a long time. I’ve become more serious in the last few years, maybe even obsessed. Morten, you are without a doubt, my biggest inspiration! Thank you so much for what you do!!

  7. As they say, shit happens. I had a BMW that had an alternator fail after less than 10 miles 🤷🏻‍♂️

  8. You both missed the best shot of the video at 30:35. Your silhouette of you shooting the scene with the ocean and sunset. It would've made a great portrait/photo.

  9. On the bike I usually use the pd strap and the camera hangs to the side at waist height. That way it is faster to get the camera.

  10. Love the simplicity of time with a friend – fishing, fire and photos. That is gold for the heart. And it is what we don't do often enough.

  11. Great video, Morten!
    Cannot tell for sure (I haven't seen the eye pupils), but I think it's a viper (vipera berus), which are venomous snakes and little ones are the most dangerous, because they can't control the release of the venom when biting; adults don't release venom, because it takes time to produce it, and they highly need it for hunting and eating; but youngsters tend to release venom on bites.
    So be careful with those snakes. They are beautiful, but dangerous, if you don't know how to handle them.
    So, thumb up for Morten, who relocated it into the grass.

  12. Morten, your videos do so much good, it's a journey from a distance every time. You've helped me to observe nature better, and to get into wildlife photography. Thank you for everything

  13. Du skulle virkelig besøge Frydenstrand i Frederikshavn. Der er super muligheder for mange vandfugle. Gravænder, hvid og rødben, præstekraver, sandløbere, terner osv. Man kan ofte komme meget tæt på fuglene. Stranden er fuld af føde, derfor de mange fugle.

  14. I wish we could get you here Morten! We have so many sea birds, land birds, whales, seals, dolphins and epic water views on the private island in WA State! Highest bird count here per the size of this island in WA State. That is why I need to get a big zoom lens! A Bald Eagles nest below our home and I see at least 12 different birds just in my yard every day. Last night an eagle flew bout 5 feet from my head right over me out back of our home! Magnificent!

  15. Damn pork belly 🤣🤣 Meanwhile one of your subscriber is Muslim and that is Me. can we alternate use beef or something for same recipe

  16. My husband and I especially enjoyed this episode. We felt like you took us along on holiday. So beautifully paced, so relaxing. Thank you

  17. Hey Morten, love your videos so much. What settings do you generally use for filming wildlife? Do you stick to the frame rate 180 degree rule / use ND filters in bright light? Or do you adjust shutter speed to correctly expose your video? Thank you for making the world a better place🌲🐿

  18. Hey morten, how do you travel overseas with your big lens and big bag, do you carry it on plane or check it, aren't you afraid of checking it and it getting lost.
    Please answer the question and help us make a decision

  19. Morten, you just know how to make a film. It's brilliant. I've only just joined you, but I'm looking forward to watching previous vlogs and you're new releases. Excellent.

  20. Hi Morten! At the moment this is my last day of my holiday in the North-Jytland, Løgstør-region. We have visited Thy National Park and Rold Skov (did the Rebild Bakker Trail). I really love your country, it is awesome! We found it difficult to find some animals / birds, but nevertheless, we enjoyed our holiday! I'm quite sure we will visit Denmark again, and we will pay you a visit if you're home. When we get home, I'm sure I will cook your favourite recipe, thanks for sharing! Keep up your great photography and awesome YouTube-videos! Med venlig hilsen, Sylvia and William (edit: we also visited the nearby lake of Vilsted Sø, currently 2 ospreys and a white-tailed eagle are there!!).

  21. Hi really enjoying the videos … why did you choose Ellesmere island Canada rather than CHURCHILL, CANADA? Very curious

  22. Why putting your head in the sand photographing the hare…. Does Nikon not have a tilted screen so you can just sit on your knees like Canon have??

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