Vegetable Gardening

Should I let coriander seeds dry on the plant?

Some of my coriander seeds have been turning half brown. I have heard that they can drop pretty fast when ready, which made me wonder if I should cut off the top, place it in a paper bag and let it dry under the balcony. Is that a good method and if so when should I make the cut? I would want the seeds to be viable so should they all be half brown, all be fully brown or what?

Location: Sweden.

by Scared_Ad_7617


  1. FaithlessnessFar5315

    I let mine fully dry on the plant. About 1/2 will drop off and 1/2 will stay on, but there are so many seeds from 1 plant that losing 1/2 doesn’t matter to me. I always end up with plenty for growing and cooking

  2. Birdnanny

    Yes dry on plant. The ones that drop will likely reseed the area the next year (at least in my area)

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