
Can the cane be saved!?

Hi, new to dendrobiums. Got her a few months ago and she was looking a little rough until I moved her to more light and I finally started seeing new growth. I was so excited but then this morning I accidentally dropped something on the new cane and it snapped almost down to the base 🫠. Is the snapped off part salvageable? Can roots grow from it or do I just discard it? If roots can grow from it, what’s the best way to go about it? Would really appreciate some advice. Hoping all that new healthy growth wasn’t for nothing. Thanks!

by anonymous_hi_

1 Comment

  1. Anon-567890

    Time will tell. I wouldn’t remove it. It could send up another cane.
    Edit: if you are talking about the part that fell off, no, I don’t believe you can prop that.

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