Vegetable Gardening

Learned a lot about growing corn this year

So through this sub I learned about huitlacoche and managed to grow it my first year attempting corn. Looks like the fungal spores stuck around my garden. 2nd year of huitlacoche! Gonna make some quesadillas today.

This year I also I learned about hand pollinating and shaking the corn plants every morning. But I only got one decent ear of corn. I had been hand pollinating, but it turns out the tips of the silks were just drying out. Was I pollinating too early in the silk growth? Am I supposed to peel back the ear a little to reach the silks? I planted my corn mid June, so they were growing in the heat of CA Central Valley summer. Was my planting time the mistake?

Also, 3rd pic it looks like a genetic error and the ear was growing a tassel. It’s a uniCORN!

by SavageMitten

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  1. SavageMitten

    So through this sub I learned about huitlacoche and managed to grow it my first year attempting corn. Looks like the fungal spores stuck around my garden. 2nd year of huitlacoche! Gonna make some quesadillas today.

    This year I also I learned about hand pollinating and shaking the corn plants every morning. But I only got one decent ear of corn. I had been hand pollinating, but it turns out the tips of the silks were just drying out. Was I pollinating too early in the silk growth? Am I supposed to peel back the ear a little to reach the silks? I planted my corn mid June, so they were growing in the heat of CA Central Valley summer. Was my planting time the mistake?

    Also, 3rd pic it looks like a genetic error and the ear was growing a tassel. It’s a uniCORN!

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