
How to save my jade plant?

I dropped my 3+ yr old jade plant while moving and it broke right at the root. As you can see there’s some small roots still there but the main ones completely broke off. What should I do to save it?

by bsteph9


  1. Egglertt

    I would let the trunk callous for about 3 days or until dry to the touch. Then I would pot it in BONE DRY soil- I’m talking DUST.

    Leave it alone for another two weeks, then water sparingly until you can see new growth appear- then water as normal.

    Disclaimer: I don’t know what I’m doing but this works for me with succulent/cacti varieties

  2. Firefly171717

    I don’t have any advice to add-I think what has been said is great! I just wanted to send you some positive vibes! That it a nice thick plant! Great job so far and I’m sure you’ve got this!

  3. Guzmanv_17

    Just stick it in some dry soil and forget about it.

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