
Am I being dumb?

Hello all! I recently moved and have acquired this tree. It had a bunch of dead in it so I decided to clean up today. After starting with the little stuff I realized I had no idea what I was doing. Specifically, how long to leave the stubs? Branches had been cut out before and appear to have been cut flush. I cut them a few inches long because you can always cut off more. I also noticed a hole in the center of the bigger branches i cut, should that be filled with something to prevent stagnant water? Thanks in advance for any advice!

by sharkfights87


  1. Weak-Childhood6621

    Those are bee homes! Native bees like carpenter bees and leaf cutters like there. You could fill it to prevent rot but it would be a huge disservice to the ecosystem as a whole. I’d leave it

  2. Sealtoftheearth

    To answer the question about how far. for it to heal properly, you have to cut just outside the branch collar.

  3. dee-ouh-gjee

    I wouldn’t pour anything into those, but potentially plugging them with something rot resistant. Honestly you could even cut some plugs out of the dead wood you already removed and get them tightly friction fit into the holes.
    Then you also aren’t worrying about introducing something into the tree that might harm it, just its own wood. Even just a plug made of something like grafting wax or bonsai putty. Just don’t cover the whole cut surface, the tree needs that exposed area to dry out otherwise it has much more risk for infection

    As far as the amount you’ve left on I think you’re actually looking pretty good, and I very much approve of your caution ^w^
    Leaving a bit gives the tree a chance to compartmentalize and defend against infections far better than a flush cut. I’m sure there are technically exceptions, there are a LOT of types of trees after all.

    I think you *could* cut a bit more off of the top left one in your first pic, but it honestly wouldn’t be all that much. Maybe just an inch or two? (Assuming I’m scaling things right in my head)

  4. DanoPinyon

    Your County Extension Agency website has fact sheets for homeowners on proper pruning technique. You have left stubs, which should be cleaned up after you learn how to prune properly.

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