
Bugs, humidity issue, or something else?

Got this lovely specimen in the spring and it's absolutely thrived and grew a ton since then. Recently, it's been losing some colour. And I've noticed some weird crispy patterns on the leaves. I'm paranoid it's thrips. I water every few days when it's dried out, fertilizer once a week, and it's in the window with another begonia that seems 100% fine, with other plants in the same window just a few feet away. The humidity is inconsistent I'll admit, but I have it in a pebble tray, and a small fountain.

I'm very aware that the window is part of the problem, as it's west facing, and I plan to move them both to my terrarium, at least for the winter ( under a great grow light), but I want to make sure it's not buggy before moving it. I've inspected every leaf and stem, front and back, inspected and poked around the soil, and see absolutely nothing, but I'm not convinced.
Thanks in advance!

by FoxSilver7

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