
Would you be mad if you caught this fluffly bunny eating your cucumbers?

Would you be mad if you caught this fluffly bunny eating your cucumbers?

by Mounirab96


  1. nolanday64

    No, I wouldn’t be mad, just very disappointed.

  2. Emergency-Plum-1981

    yes lol. I’m not opposed to eating a cute bunny with my cucumber salad

  3. coochietermite

    Yes, because that doesn’t look like a wild rabbit, but rather someone’s escaped pet or a feral domestic rabbit. To the humane shelter you go, little fluffball.

  4. Fun_Door7385

    Why get mad? All you’re doing is fattening it up,I bet it’ll make good dinner. JK

  5. nagaviper

    Hell no, I’d grab my a thing of cottage cheese and tajin and be posted up right next to him.

  6. ProfessionalForce596

    For now yes, but what an adorable bunny it looks very cute

  7. duoschmeg

    Rabbit stew with fresh cucumber slices on top.

  8. Known_Statistician59

    Naww, go ahead and monch away, little buddy. That’s why we grow extra.

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