Succulent Plants

Mom gifted me succulents the day before I leave for a month long trip—whats the best way to ensure they thrive while I’m gone?

I am not good with plants, yall. Do i water them at all before I go or should i leave them tf alone? Should I put them in full sunlight or partial? She also gifted me a bag of cactus dirt mix but i dont have any planter pots. Am i good to repot them in a non draining bowl for the time being and get them properly potted when i get back or should I leave them tf alone?? I don’t have anyone that can look after them while i’m gone either.

by RonskyGorzama


  1. RonskyGorzama

    I don’t even know what breeds they are. besides the purple echeveria, none of them came with any lable. Ik theyre hardy plants but I have a poor track record and I have extra pressure since my mom is calling them her grandchildren. I CANT LET HER GRANDCHILDREN DIE OF NEGLECT YALL😭😭

  2. ventispulla

    Water the three starting from left to right. Not the Tigers jaw. Make sure you leave them sufficient light so they don’t etiolate and go on your vacation. That’s what I would do. I’m not sure if you feel comfortable doing that

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