
Help with these babies please!

Repotted my Polly yesterday and got these little ones, not sure what is the best path from here though. I have a shallow tote lid that I could put a little water in and cover for humidity but two of these are a little farther along than the others. Any advise would be much appreciated!

by knfhughes


  1. saucystonerchick83

    I put mine in a container with sphagnum moss and wait until they sprout then plant them!

  2. Miss_Dawn_E

    You’ll want to peel off the brown skin off the corms to reveal the light/white corm. You can soak them in water beforehand to make it peel off easier. Some people grow their corms in shallow water. I’ve used fluval and fluval/perlite and just yesterday I added a corm to perlite. I added a a little water to damp perlite in a shallow cup, sit the corm on top of the media where it’s not tucked in all the way but almost cradled in the media. Then cover it with a lid to build humidity. Put it under a growlight. Preferably in a warmer spot to grow faster. I’d say open the lid at least once a week for a bit to add airflow. You can also mist the media when you open or even pour a small amount of water to rewet the media but you don’t want the water to be filled too high as it will cause rot. You’ll want to put the pointy side up with the tail sitting in the media. Sometimes there’s no tail but you’ll be able to see which side is up based on the pointed top of the corm which again, will face up.

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