Lawn Care

Irrigation is totally worth it

Living in the NE, I don’t always need irrigation but man when you do it’s great!

3 YO KBG lawn (Mostly TwinCity Blue Envy Mix)
4 feedings per year + grub control
61” SCAG Cheetah 2
Fully irrigated

Did everything myself, have any questions, feel
Free to ask

by ekrizay


  1. PomeloClear400

    Is the key to a nice lawn to never use it

  2. Alternative-Pie-4974

    Nice if you can afford it.

    Very nice lawn though.

  3. Did you set up the irrigation yourself?

    Lawn looks spectacular!

  4. trenty40

    Damn that’s quite a lawn! How much sq ft do you think it is and how much did it cost you to install your system?

  5. CulturalTortoise

    Can you share more on the irrigation system? Rough cost, how it was installed, how it’s managed etc? I have a (much) smaller yard and I’ve always been interested in it.

  6. OutsideWord1309

    I have to also get on this.. the last person who owned the house let it go to shit! 💩

  7. kaithagoras

    This lawn looks like a full time job. 😅

    Looks awesome man. Kudos.

  8. Financial_Temporary5

    I think I see some Poa triv in there.

  9. WeenisWrinkle

    Irrigation is worth it*

    ^^*If ^^you ^^can ^^afford ^^it

  10. I wish I could afford the water bill, especially after a summer like this one

  11. ohhrangejuice

    Are you taking on anymore children? Id like to volunteer lol

  12. Which state is this?

    You all are mixing up small scale farming and lawns… beautiful

  13. carsandrx

    You did your neighbor so dirty in the second pic haha looks great man!

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