
Late Summer Photoshoot

Hi everybody, I took some pictures today for my future use and I thought I would share some because I am very excited! I’m a beginner, and all of this material was purchased or collected this year (not new to growing, just bonsai).

All of these trees have years to go but I’m happy with my current crop. They are as follows:

  1. Shishigashira (Lions Head) I purchased this a few weeks ago from a local maple enthusiast. Has cool lower movement and great nebari. Things get a little straight towards the top so I may attempt an air layer and a chop in the coming years. For now, grow!

  2. Shishigashira (Lions Head) I bought this tree in the early spring from a landscaping nursery. Did a big chop of probably the top 40% of the trunk. It has recovered nicely. More chops in the future until I have revealed my desired trunk and main branching. Then onto refinement!

3 & 4. Mai Kujaku (Ancontifolium, Dancing Peacock, Full Moon Fern Leaf Maple) This is the biggest one I have seen to date. From the same nursery as the 2nd Shishigashira. I will be slowly reducing this down in the coming years. It’s having an early fall due to a number of factors, mainly drought and cool nights.

  1. Mountain Laurel that I got from my property. It is my understanding that these are vaguely related to azaleas. They are everywhere in my area, most much, much larger than this. This one had a tree fall and break its upper canopy a few years ago and it fell over as well. I dug it up this spring.

  2. Buxus Harlandii I bought this from a proper bonsai nursery. Not much to say!

  3. Procumbens Juniper from the same nursery as the boxwood. This is a nice maturing specimen. Made some new guy mistakes pruning earlier this year but it seems ok!

  4. Parson’s Juniper from Home Depot! May turn into something, who knows.

  5. Chinese Juniper from Ace hardware. $20! I see lots of potential here and I am very excited about this one. Was a giant, globular bush when I purchased. I’ve got my work cut out for me, lots of research and lots of thinking!

  6. Juniper, but I’m actually not sure what. Maybe somebody knows! I got it from a local nursery with no label. This one is interesting but needs more big!

Thanks for letting me talk your ear off. If you want more I’m would be psyched to talk some shop. If you have criticisms or advice, please let me know. I’m trying to learn everything I can!

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

by licential


  1. ELeerglob

    Beautiful and characterful trees. My favorite is the one you collected. Really interesting piece, that.

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