
Can he come back from this?

He just sorta fell over. He seems fine otherwise

by Canbirdsswim


  1. tothemoonkevsta

    It looks like a Tillandsia yes? I also bought one of these airplants and I don’t really understand how to care for it so I had it in soil and watered it per usual. It started looking like your plant and while it didn’t die as long as I watered it as I should have it never grew anymore

  2. NopeNoNahNay

    Yes. Just put it back in. These things are nearly indestructible.

  3. Personal_Rule_9854

    Yucca? Pineapple??
    Anyway it’s rotten.. (too much/often water) 
    Peel those yellowish leafs and cut to see if stem is dark in middle. Then cut all dark off! Then let it callus few hours and put it on water to make new roots.
    And get rid of the root ball if it’s rotten..
    Hope it helps😊

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