
Neighbor’s landscaper inadvertently sprayedy fig tree

Perhaps not the best pic, but this fig tree used to be very full and full of fruit. The neighbor was having an issue with vines and apparently addressed the issue with herbicide which has killed my grass and appears to be killing my fig tree. My plan was to find out what the neighbor's landscaper used and go from there. Any suggestions? I'd like to save the tree if I can and was even considering transplanting it.

by Vivid-Map-4708


  1. whistlerbrk

    What I would do honestly… dig it up, as best you can, put it in a wheel barrow with a bunch of water and get the contaminated soil out of it, dump that out.

    Replant it elsewhere with lots of fresh soil. It’s fall, a lot of the room damage will repair and the leaves were going to shed soon anyway I suppose.

  2. ximagineerx

    Remove any and all free range tortoises as well

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