Gardening Australia

Garden Map – Opinions?

I'm new to gardening and have only planted half of my seeds so far – this is the little map I've made up and I would love opinions and/or tips!

The eggplant was already established when we moved in – long garden bed and two circular beds are both raised gardens. Smaller beds are all hanging planters. I'm hoping to make the top right planter a fairy garden!

by JFKsWife


  1. the_amatuer_

    Hi. I think it looks good.

    My only suggestion is not to over think it! You are planting annual for the veggies. If you stuff something up, it wont matter at the end of summer. Enjoy throwing things in and expect some failures.

    If you want to overthink it, here are some questions:

    * Where does the garden get the most sun?
    * Where has the best access for watering?
    * Where has the best access for picking?

    If you want some better resources:


    []( (Pretty sure your peas are more for winter)

  2. exorbitantly_hungry

    Without scale, location, and what areas get what sunlight it’s impossible to say, even with those it would be very hard and probably pointless. Gardening is experimentation, it matters so much on your specific soil, location, behaviours etc.

    If you are new to gardening don’t overthink it. Add a bit at a time, plant a bunch and thin to the strongest as they grow. Some will work, more will fail.

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