Gardening Australia

Help with Broccoli!

Hey guys, I grew these two broccoli plants from seedlings about 2-3 months ago. Just needed some advice on why one of them is dying from underneath and should I be worried and how long till I can harvest these babies. First time growing veggies properly, do I also get rid of the entire plant for the next set of seedlings then? For context they’re about 30-40cm apart. Thank you!

by OkUnderstanding9479


  1. lozfoz_ls

    I would harvest both of these now. The one on the right looks like the florets are starting to seperate. Some varieties of broccoli provide ongoing side shoots but I can’t see any on your plants. You can remove and start new seedlings. The leaves are also edible and are great in stir-fies!

  2. NaturalPhilosopher47

    The one on the right looks ready to harvest now. You don’t want to leave it too late and have it past its best. As for what to do with the plant, that depends on the variety of broccoli you have, some are “sprouting” types and grow mini broccoli heads above the leaves for a second harvest, other non sprouting varieties are only the main head harvest and then yes, remove the plant. I’d harvest and enjoy your first plant, but then leave it while the other ripens up, and hope you get mini broccoli appearing on the harvested plant. You should be able to tell in a fortnight or so.

  3. wickingbed

    Regarding the dying leaves, I just cut these off as they appear. This helps prevent disease, helps with air circulation and avoids the leaves touching the ground (which can be a source of infection)

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