
What’s up with my baby tandurusa?

I’ve got this tandurusa a couple of months ago as a tiny baby, she took a little bit to acclimate to my home but have since grown so much roots that I had to repot her only after 1 month.
First repotted as soon as I got it, removed the plug and popped into my airy mix, then last week she outgrew the pot I put her in so I repotted again but this time without disturbing the roots at all, just got the entire root/soil ball and backfilled with more soil mix in a larger pot.

She put out one new leaf since arriving but I now noticed that one of the older leaves is going very thin and translucent and have developed a couple of see through white spots. The newest leaf doesn’t have any white spots but have gone a little thinner since unfurling.

Is this just the normal death of its oldest leaf or should I be worried?

She is in a south facing window but gets shade during the hottest part of the day, with only some direct sun early morning and late afternoon.
She’s in a self watering wick system, once the water in the cache pot dries up I leave if for a few days before refilling to allow the soil to dry out a little and avoid rot.
The roots are very healthy and growing rapidly, she gets weak fertilizer with every watering.


by Level-Oven-7168

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