What's this plant

Picked these for my wife yesterday and of corse after i handled them, someone told me they are a “corpse flower” and can be dangerous to touch? Help🤓

Picked these for my wife yesterday and of corse after i handled them, someone told me they are a “corpse flower” and can be dangerous to touch? Help🤓

by Alone_Bother_983


  1. gooberfaced

    That is a red spider lily aka Lycoris radiata.

    It is listed as toxic (especially to cats) and wash hands but I wouldn’t be freaking out over it. Just don’t allow pets or children to eat them.

    “Corpse flowers” (Amorphophallus titanum and related species) are called that not because they will make you a corpse but instead because they smell like a corpse when they bloom.

  2. tinycarnivoroussheep

    IIRC they’re popular for grave decor in Japan because they bloomed in time for the Obon festival, which is the ancestor/spooky festival.

  3. Lovenotknown

    I think are pretty I want to snatch them up every time I see them ( last year was my first year seeing them lol).

  4. Warp-n-weft

    There are cultural practices that say that picking them brings misfortune and misery. It isn’t literally dangerous, but it is considered a bad idea by some cultures.

    The flowers symbolize death.

  5. Careless_HartBrake69

    this is literally some superstitious bullshit you’ve encountered. this flower WILL NOT hurt you from just touching it. jfc

  6. RememberKoomValley

    In Japan they’re known as tomb lilies, because they bloom around Obon, the holiday that memorializes the dead (with altars, grave tidying, lanterns, and so on). So they can be seen as a bit sinister in those traditions, or if not sinister at least representative of death and the dead. In the American South they’re often called hurricane lilies, again because of their bloom period; I’ve also seen them referred to as naked ladies, because the flowers spring up before the leaves have grown in.

    Don’t let your pets chew on them; they’re quite toxic to cats, but that requires ingestion, unlike with true lilies where even encountering a bit of pollen can be lethal to a housecat.

    They’re not dangerous to you as long as you’re not licking your hands or something.

  7. nimpatti

    pretty. love them in the vintage coke bottle

  8. ScoogyShoes

    That’s not a corpse flower. It’s a spider lily. You’d smell an amorphallus titanum.

  9. Icy_Bottle_2634

    They are listed as toxic certainly but you are not in danger unless your eating a bunch of them or rubbing the juices into your orifices. I think they are so pretty

  10. OppositeChocolate687

    if you have cats or dogs do not keep this in your house

    especially cats, because they jump on furniture to investigate and eat/bite things that are new in the house

    *they are highly toxic to your pets (that goes for all lilies)

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