Native Plant Gardening

What does this transplant need to thrive, 6b, NY

Just dug this aster up from my brother's place and planted at mine as my first native plant! What else should I do to ensure success?

Will it stand up more or always be wonky? It grew low and sideways like this where it was before, I assume due to the competition from the plants around it.

It's mid 60's and wet today. I'm hoping to get a few more in the next week or two as well. I can get goldenrod to add as well.

Can (should) I also plant milkweed seeds around it [digging out more of the lawn]? If so, how far would everything be spaced out?


by sleverest

1 Comment

  1. Icy-Conclusion-3500

    It’ll die back and grow again so I wouldn’t worry about it falling over. Give it some water every few days if it isn’t raining. It probably won’t need any next year.

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