African Violets

They were my mom’s favorite – just purchased one to remember.

My mom died a few years ago, and I don’t have many physical objects to remember her by.

But today at the grocery I saw this one little guy with sad leaves (cut most of them off) sitting alone, too close to the cold air at the open front door.

Then I got home and remembered that my mom always said they needed very specific care. She always put hers in an east window, but all I have is south, and it can get really bright & hot. It has a lot of blooms & healthy new growth at the base, but the soil is crappy and I want to repot with foxfarm.

I’m a plant person & will look everything up, but I’d love any experienced tips. I just really want to make this plant happy because it helps me feel connected to my mom.

by Dear_Scientist6710

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