
Need advice and tips about haphazard pile that might be composting, see comment for details

Need advice and tips about haphazard pile that might be composting, see comment for details

by Wuberg4lyfe


  1. Wuberg4lyfe

    The picture there is after removed about 3 feet worth of branches and weeds atop

    On right is where dug further down pile, some is brown and wet,some is somewhat sandy like our ground dirt. On left you can see more of the pile (some top removed)

    This pile has been sitting here for few years, it was really just a twig/branch/leaves pile , that got expanded over time. Got about 5 tall, had lot of weeds growing over it as well. Did not use it to try to compost on purpose

    Been trying to remove it to make space, and now hitting the bottom half of pile it’s very wet, lot of scraps branches and chubks of wood that easily fall apart. I’m wondering if this bottom layer is useful for growing plants, or growing grass in deweeded areas

    It still has random chunks and roots (maybe was throwing uprooted weeds onto it?)

    I’m wondering if I can repurpose this pile elsewhere to actually try to compost. If I have a lot of this mushy wood what do I add to it and to help speed it along on a new pile?

    Does compost lose its nutrients if left in sunlight or put in a bucket or stored over winter?

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