Plant Clinic

What am I doing wrong?

Still learning how to plant parent, going on a little over a year and started with just one of these guys. I now have several wandering dudes I’ve successfully propagated myself (yay!) and they’ve been thriving! But lately I’ve noticed some leaves are “losing their luster” so to speak, and some are starting to feel a little rubbery and are sagging a bit like you see in some of these pictures. I let the soil dry out between watering, and they’ve been in the same east facing window the entire time. I would say I water them no more frequently than once a week, and I have pots that drain well. I live in Chicago it’s been warm until just yesterday where it went down to low 70s/high 60s. Any advice is appreciated!

by FluidLanguage1


  1. danceswit_werewolves

    🤔 electrolytes. It’s what plants crave!

    But seriously. Your plant is happy and healthy. Just like your own body, the glow fluctuates based on age and hydration, and a hundred other things. Enjoy your beautiful plant and stop obsessing over its “flaws” which don’t really exist.

  2. floating_weeds_

    These *Tradescantia* lose the silver when they are getting lower light. Looks fine otherwise.

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