Gardening Australia

What should I do with this thyme?

I’ve had this thyme for around about a year. We went on holiday for two weeks in august and it hasn’t looked great since.

It’s springing back up but I’m wondering if I should cut loose the darker dry leaves? I won’t let them go to waste, I’m sure they’re fine to cook with.

by arsome246


  1. Cut the dead branches and leaves. Water thoroughly. Inspect root balls.

  2. Procrastination-Hour

    Give it a good prune to get rid of whats dying – transplant into the ground or a better pot (thin blank plastic is not a good option long term).

  3. It’s thyme to let it go…

    Nope, just kidding… prune hard and water. Maybe some partial shade could help it recover if it’s in 100% sunshine

  4. CartographerUpbeat61

    Give it a trim and soak over night in a bucket of water . Should be good to go.

  5. WithAWarmWetRag

    Stuff will outlive humanity. Cut off the obviously dead bits, water it, repot if you are keen, and you’re good to go.

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