
Am I doing this right?

I’m really new to houseplant keeping and this baby is my pride and joy. I’ve done quite a lot of research but I’d love to hear whether anyone thinks there are issues with my initial set up so I can avoid disaster!

Recently had my first inner fenestration which was exciting although the leaf is smaller, but I think it’ll continue to grow as it hardens, is that right?

He’s placed in a west facing window, no heaters nearby. I water probably once every 2 weeks or so, basically when it seems all dried out and feels really light. Occasional misting maybe every 3 or 4 days. I was fertilising about once per month but now the weather is getting colder I was thinking I’d probably reduce that down to a dose in 3 months?

Not entirely sure of the soil mix as I haven’t repotted since it arrived but I think it looks pretty chunky, definitely some bark and perlite in there.

I know the giant stick looks ridiculous currently but he’s been shooting out a new leaf every month so I just thought I’d get some support in there early. When I eventually repot I’ll likely add a moss pole but will this be ok for a while? Is it tied correctly? I didn’t want to risk repotting too early to add a moss pole and messing with it when I don’t really know what I’m doing!

Final point, I have a couple of plants quarantined for potential spider mites at the moment. They’ve never been sat near this one and I’ve inspected all the leaves and can’t see any evidence of them but should I treat it as well just in case? I’ve been spraying the others with an alcohol / dish soap / water mix and brushing all the leaves down.

Thanks in advance!

by Top_Cow1796


  1. Top_Cow1796

    Just realised I had one more question…is this an Albo or a Thai? I thought it was an Albo but some pictures I’ve seen of Thai Constellation have confused me!

  2. bennie2108

    New to plants myself aswell so honestly don’t know the answer to your question haha.

    But it’s definitely an albo!

  3. mlichardi

    That’s actually an Albo, so if you didn’t pay a ton of money for it, congrats! You seem to be doing everything right, but don’t be afraid to repot it. I like to repot mine as soon as I get them to ensure they’re in my soil with no hitchhikers. Repotting doesn’t mean you need a bigger pot or even a different pot. Just take a look at the roots and if it’s more root than soil, get a pot about 2 inches bigger. You can also just stick a moss poll in without repotting. And to answer your last question, just treat it. That guy is way too expensive to risk getting spider mites! Try captain jacks dead bug brew.

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