
Over water damage?

Hi guys! I’ve had this philo (maybe a silver sword?) for a month and a half or so. A couple weeks ago he stated getting these rotting/wet spots on a few leaves. Those leaves eventually got fully rotten and fell off. While that was happening the rest of the plant appeared to still be healthy and happy — at least to me! I figured I had simply overwatered it due to a mishap with a self watering pot holding a bunch of water on the bottom. I took off the bottom of the pot so it now has lots of drainage on the bottom. I also took the whole plant out of the soil to check the roots and replace the still damp soil with fresh dry soil. I’m using a mix of potting soil, orchid bark and perlite. I then let it get super dry, to the point where the leaves were being a bit droopy and curling in. At that point I watered it and it perked up immediately! However the next day one of the leaves (pictured) as a small spot of rot on it. The spot is growing everyday, like the did last time. The other leaves are also dripping water off them now, despite appearing nice and healthy. It gets sun from a large south facing window.

I’m worried about my lil phil and would appreciate any tips or advice!

by plandai

1 Comment

  1. HayHay8282

    To me it appears to be edema. Which yes too much watering. I usually just hold back on watering until she’s dry and then start again. Give her a good watering all the way through til she it comes out underneath and then repeat. Anyone else agree or maybe have some other advice as I’m only giving my opinion on what I’ve also done to mine lol and she bounced right back. I did this to quite a few in my day lol

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