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Random seed pods in my strawberries

Anyone know what these seed pods go to … I have them in my potted strawberries I haven’t seen any flowers or anything abnormal … but my strawberries didn’t flower or fruit this year I think because of the sun … anyone recognize them

by MindiContreras


  1. Realistic-Reception5

    Those could be the seed pods of violets I think?

  2. RememberKoomValley

    Those look like violets to me. Violas/pansies also have the same shape, of course.

  3. AbbreviationsFit8962

    It’s too late in the season for violet seeds. They’re likely Jhonny jump ups

  4. MTheLoud

    Those are violet seed pods, and I see violet leaves in picture 3. Do you have any strawberry plants left, or just violets?

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