
Did the tree crew I hired take too much off this old oak tree?

Did the tree crew I hired take too much off this old oak tree?

by Embarrassed-Count-17


  1. Small_Garlic_929

    Looks like a good job from this distance!

  2. Stan_Halen_

    I usually recommend up to 25% crown removal and I think this does that. Looks good from what I can tell.

  3. mittyatta

    Lions tailed it and left stubs.

    I can’t tell from the photos what type of oak it is but depending where you’re located they really should’ve waited until winter or at least several consecutive days below freezing to prune on this.

    On the bright side it looks like they didn’t spike it.

  4. TinyPinus

    You’re lucky they couldn’t get to the top of the tree to over-prune up there too!

  5. arboroverlander

    That’s why you hire an arborist, not a tree crew. If you did hire an arborist, they are a poor representation of our trade, and I apologize for their actions.

  6. ThisIsMyOtherBurner

    were they isa certified arborist? or just joe shmoes landscaping company?

  7. slabaholic

    This is garbage pruning. I see it all the time from the wannabes. A company talks up their pruning and then cleans out all the small easy inside stuff they can reach in the mid to lower canopy. They say stupid shit like “Cleaning out the inner growth lets the wind pass through”. Fucking amateurs.

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