
What is this?

Noticed this when watering my Phal this morning, I’m intrigued I couldn’t find anything on Google that looked exactly like this so I’m a little worried. My first thought was maybe the sphagnum moss is sprouting but it looks like it’s coming from the bark medium and looks a little different than moss sprouting. The Orchid otherwise looks healthy. What do?

by crystaldreamer13


  1. EyeraGlass

    Mushrooms, usually a sign of high level of nutrients and maybe a sign that it’s a little too wet, but nothing that is going to harm the plant. Don’t eat them.

  2. TelomereTelemetry

    Some kind of fungal fruiting body. It’s probably just some saprophyte growing on the bark chips—maybe a sign it’s about time to refresh the media.

  3. GothNCountry

    It looks like mushrooms, maybe another kind of fungus.

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