
What am I and what is wrong?

I bought this with no label about 2 years ago. For the longest time when it was growing it would get it's leaves stuck when they were unfurlingand get folded/damaged leaves.

Eventually I cut off the top few leaves and it started growing more normal leaves.

Now it's getting too tall for it's pole/pencil.

I wondered about cutting it in half and replanting the second on right beside it to have two in the same pot?

Also can anyone ID this?

by dblackston1


  1. TropicalSkysPlants

    I am a silver sword and I’d like more support+light and food! I’d be ok if you wanted to chop me down to help me grow healthier! And yes you can root my cuttings and pot them.

  2. TheBlackOrb23

    Looks like a silver sword philodendron I love mine! The leaves get stuck easy but more humidity helps just make sure there is air flow. If you want bigger leaves moss poles help give them support and extra nutrients along with good lighting.

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