
Is this bruising? Rescued from a parking lot alone, first time with only one chick at a time.

Someone found this chick in a parking lot, and I am caring for it now. It’s a farm town, so our guess is it was dropped from a truck. Is this a bruise? It’s head was bright green when we got it. The top of one wing is also a bit green. This is three days after, and it’s getting darker, as a bruise might become blue. It seems totally fine, but extremely cuddly with all of us and even the Mickey plush and toy chicken my daughter gifted it. lol. Which is my next question… I’ve only ever gotten them in half dozens or more, as you have to purchase them that way here only as livestock. Is that rough on them being they are social in their flocks? I don’t see it being a good idea for it to never see a chicken and then have to meet a ton of large ones even when it’s of age to intergrate. Can keep it separate and super cared for, just want to be sure that isn’t cruel as far as “flock mentality” goes.

by woode2shoes

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