Plant Clinic

Help please!! I split and repotted my pothos 2 weeks ago and the leaves are yellowing.

I had a giant pothos that couldn't be hung so decided to carefully split the roots into 2 smaller plants. I planted them into pots with drainage and hung them about 1.5m from the nearest window and door (south facing). I watered them when they were repotted from the bottom and again 2 days ago. I can see some nagts/small flies but the soil doesn't feel overly wet.

I'm based in the UK, so not too hot or cold at the moment. Anyone any idea what I can do to not lose this plant please?

by areitei

1 Comment

  1. Helision

    The pot looks very large. How big were the roots compared to the pot? The soil also looks very dense. Pothos are airoid plants that like having chunkier soil, so consider adding perlite, coco coir, tree bark or other chunky components. Furthermore, it looks like you planted it directly in the stone pot? If so, the excess water can’t drain out and this can cause root rot. I would recommend repotting it in a plastic pot with drainage holes, use chunkier soil and water it above the sink, so the soil gets saturated but excess water drains out. You could also consider bottom watering (placing it in a sink/bowl of water and letting it soak), which could help with the flies, as they lay their eggs in the top layer of soil if it is moist. Let the soil dry out a little between waterings. Hope this helps! Pothos are sturdy plants, so it will probably recover nicely 🙂 if not, they’re easy (and fun) to propogate

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