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Does a cactus bear flowers? Is it poisonous?

Does a cactus bear flowers? Is it poisonous?

by PlantsRoots


  1. Historical-Ad2651


    Cacti are flowering plants

    AFAIK there are no highly toxic cacti

  2. Pademelon1

    All cacti produce flowers.

    No cacti are toxic, though some are hallucinogenic.

    The cactus in your video is not flowering; it is a colourful *Gymnocalycium* variant (no chlorophyll) grafted onto a dragonfruit (*Hylocereus*).

  3. HeroGarland

    Cacti flower, but those red and yellow segments on top of the green cactus stems are not flowers. Those are grafts. They seem to be looked down upon by cactus aficionados as some cheep stuff for people who know nothing about the dark arts of cactus growing.
    I remember seeing a cactus enthusiast somewhere at a specialised cactus nursery checking out all the cacti on display and asking super intricate questions to the grower. His daughter (she may have been 5) enthusiastically pointed to the grafts and said: “I love these ones, daddy”. The man scoffed and said: “I don’t.” And he kept talking to the grower.
    I still think about that asshole sometimes.

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