Lawn Care

Can a get this lawn going again?

So I'm house sitting a relatives place for the next 6 months and I want to get the lawns going for them.

Can anyone tell me what type of lawn this is? Looks like Couch to me but I'm not a lawn expert by any means.

There are a lot of weeds but it's just coming into spring here Perth, West Australia so I'm thinking getting some wetting agent down and a bit of fertiliser and then hitting the weeds in a week or so?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

by remedyyeti

1 Comment

  1. Building_Snowmen

    Looks like you should be able to!

    You’re just coming into spring? I think you can rake out some of that dead grass and thatch, spray down a pre emergent to kill off any weed seeds before they grow and then in a few weeks fertilize and water, water, water and it should green up really nice! Then, in summer, just mow it and spray weed killer on any weeds that pop up. Use a kind that won’t kill the grass. Then, in the early fall, mow really low and throw down some more grass seed and water twice daily for 2 weeks. The lawn will look great!

    In your area, the hot dry climate is what you’re battling.

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