
Yes, and I am fine with that.

Yes, and I am fine with that.

by Ok_Pool8129


  1. Kyrie_Blue

    With the price of groceries in Canada, I shit you not, I saved at least $100 this summer purely from tomatoes

  2. Confident-Alarm-6911

    It’s not about the money, it’s about the taste!

  3. CycloneD97

    Home grown produce is more tasty and more nutritious. Its worth it. A tomato especially. Fresh picked from the garden and eaten right away has so much more flavor.

  4. GemmyCluckster

    Store bought tomatoes just don’t taste as good as the homegrown ones. I’m a tomato snob.

  5. wisebongsmith

    it’s not even a little bit about the cost. it’s the quality. store tomatoes are barely edible as part of other foods. garden tomatoes are delicious AF all on their own.

  6. Electrical_Ad_9584

    It’s all about the quality of life- and produce! I’ve learned that I can make things myself that people want to charge me out the az for, and create a life of simple luxuries for much less than it would take to buy one.

  7. TemperateStone

    My tomatoes taste so much better though. There is so much more flavor in the tomatos I grow.

    Then you gotta keep the transport in mind too. And the pesticides that I don’t need to use.

  8. DropDeadPlease88

    Australian tomatoes are pricey as fuck! When we grew tomatoes i had to give them away I had so many! But the savings was great! Plus all the stuff you make with it that saves even more money!!

  9. anOvenofWitches

    Connecting with “the deep knowledge” of our species has unparalleled mental health benefits 🤷‍♂️

  10. The-Phantom-Blot

    Yes and no … The first time you grow them, that’s kind of true. Once you get your setup right, there’s not much cost to it. Start from seeds.

  11. ThatSmartLoli

    But if u growing for canning or freezing, u will save 50 bucks.

  12. LumpySconePrincess

    I am too because they taste a thousand times better!

  13. theefaulted

    I planted 12 tomato plants this year. The deer ravaged them and I probably spent at least $40 this season buying tomatoes at the Farmers Market.

  14. FloraMaeWolfe

    It’s not about the savings, but about the flavor. The grocery store tomatoes are barely edible.

  15. Never-Forget-Trogdor

    This year, my tomatoes did too well. My moderate neglect did not stop them from taking over the garden. The only thing holding their own against the tomatoes is my luffah gourd vine; he has total control of the fence and hasn’t let the tomatoes gain any ground in that direction.

  16. PatricimusPrime32

    Yes. Yes you’re right. But my tomatoes taste better.

  17. turquoise_grey

    I spent 6 months growing a single, absolutely perfect sugar baby watermelon only to pop it open last night and learn that sugar babies are seedy to the point of being inedible! 🥲 I thought it was a seedless variety! Chickens like it though.

  18. ToysandStuff

    Everything has a price.
    Factor in the taste, the cancers you can get from the chemicals they pour over these tomatoes and the labour out of third world countries they use growing them, or the gas emissions the transport and storage produces. Probably all subsidised from your tax.

  19. No-Yoghurt-7770

    In Canada it’s like 5$ a tomato and i have buckets full of them so I’m saving on $5 pasta sauces $7 salsas etc non stop savings

  20. RealBowsHaveRecurves

    I don’t know who needs to hear this, but can grow more than one plant at a time

  21. Vanhandle

    You aren’t saving anything unless you get a massive, ongoing extended harvest. $25 for a pot, $15 for soil and $5 for a trellis, add in another $5 for various garden accessories. You’re looking at about $50 for one plant, not including the plant itself (if you don’t have seeds) and the cost of water or any electricity spent. You can get an insane amount of tomatoes for $50.

    If you are really frugal, and have land to plant directly in the ground, plus you start from seed and make your own compost, you can drive that cost down significantly.

    Like others said, it’s about the taste and the experience.

  22. nonsocialengineer

    I know it’s a joke, but I spent probably $40 on seeds and potting soil for starts. Ended up with 30 tomato plants and grew probably several hundred pounds of tomatoes. Definitely huge savings vs buying at the store.

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