Gardening Austin

Pride of Barbados seeds – this is what just worked for me

Not sure if anyone else has had trouble starting this plant from seeds, but for something that grows so easily they've been tough for me to get going. This finally worked.

I took old seeds I had from last year (they've just been sitting in a paper bag in my closet), tried to scratch them a little without a file although they're so small that's hard to do, put them in a wet paper towel for a couple of days that I kept moistening, then put them in small pots outside. I tried to remember the water the pots but I was probably averaging about once every 2 or 3 days – five of the six have now germinated.

I tried to put green seeds just on the ground like someone suggested a month ago but they haven't done anything. Not sure if the brown seeds work better or if it's because of the pre soaking or what but something worked.

by weluckyfew

1 Comment

  1. weluckyfew

    Oh, and not sure if it makes a difference but they’re in Sun from early morning till about 3:00 or 4:00

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