
What plant pisses you off on sight?

For me it’s this particular flavor of calatheas. I had one that, despite my best efforts, was such a dick all the time. I couldn’t make her happy!!! I don’t think I’ll ever own another one because I’m holding a grudge

by brevecortados


  1. Sircapleviluv

    I almost bought one on Sunday so glad I didn’t since I don’t have a gift for protecting my plant babies lol

  2. DesmondPatch

    Aloe Vera plants. They’re easy to care for, sure, but I can’t have any plants near mine. You also can’t “prop” the limbs up against say, a window/wall (to create more space) or the limbs start to die, so they take up an absurd amount of space for a medium sized plant. I had a particularly spiky bastard that, over time, sawtoothed its way through several of my beautiful Homalomena Emerald Gem’s leaves, AND my nearby Marble Queen, just because the Aloe gently brushed against them here and there. Both of whom I cherish and did nothing to deserve such rampant vandalism.

    The Aloe has since been moved to a home where it is more… appreciated.

  3. willa3218

    Calatheas. WHY are the such pest magnets?!? I will never buy another one lol

  4. tentalol

    Calatheas are very sensitive to humidity, they are native to tropical rainforests where the humidity is constantly in the 80-90% region.

    Houses on the other hand are generally much drier than that, which means that without any special measures, most houseplant calatheas are doomed to a slow inevitable death by desiccation.

    In order to keep them alive and healthy in your home, you need to artificially increase the humidity of their immediate environment – either with humidifiers, or by putting them into some sort of cabinet.

    Once maintained in an environment of at least 80% humidity, these plants will reward you with lush growth and beautiful blemish-free leaves.

  5. Consistent-Low-3825

    Snake plants. I like plants that are bushy and trailing and then there’s just this stick thing. no thanks

  6. beingleigh

    Lilies. Why they gotta be so toxic!

    But for indoor plants – Mother of Thousands, they just creep me out. And Calatheas – they break my heart, every damn time.

  7. Lucky_Soft_5686

    The only place Calatheas belong is in the garbage 😂

  8. BirdsOfWisdom

    Willow leaf ficus.

    The one my husband brought home had spider mites straight away. It survived treatment, dropped every single leaf and then got spider mites again two months later just as it had a new sprout for every leaf lost. It survived treatment the second time, again having lost all its little baby leaves.

    This cycle happened a third time another four months later when it had finally had the chance to actually flourish. This time it was strong enough to keep about 80% of its leaves. So far we’re another 3 months later and still in the clear.

    We discovered the culprit. Every time we went to a certain local garden center to look at plants, we’d get spider mites. We don’t go in their greenhouse anymore.

  9. NorraVavare

    Begonia. I spent my teenage years hearing my mom bitch about the squirrels eating her begonias. She made cages for the window boxes, and all sorts of stuff. So I hate even looking at them… I accidentally bought one because it’s a new variety. I curse it every time I look at it, then take care of it while being pissed I bought it. I should just give it to her. It’s really quite beautiful.

    As for indoor plants, I’m kinda hating on spider plants right now. I somehow can’t keep one alive.

  10. Aggravating-Fee-1615

    Any Chinese knockoff posing as a native.

    I’m looking at you, Lantana! 😤

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