Vegetable Gardening

Is my cantaloupe ready to pick? Starting to Turn colour and lip smell fruity but still firmly attached to vine

The cantaloupe used to be completely green but it’s starting to turn more tan coloured. As well it didn’t have a scent near the end but now smells quite fruity! However the cantaloupe is still firmly attached to vine. Is it ready?

It has been raining the last day or so, which is what the slightly darker tan patches are (I rotated it on top of the plastic net produce container I am using as a cantaloupe stand after taking pic)

by ywoi


  1. freemans819

    Smell the blossom end. If it smells like cantaloupe then it’s ripe. You can also smell cantaloupes on the blossom end in the store when shopping for ripe melons.

  2. Idk how I typed that nonsensical title. I meant:

    Is my cantaloupe ready to pick? It is starting to turn colour and the other end smells fruity, but it is still attached to the vine

  3. Caustik420

    It looks close. Probably any day. I personally wait till it basically slips off the vine with ease. Looks great by the way.

  4. Sirwhizz

    Should basically detach itself with just picking it up when it’s ready. Just pick it up once a day and it’ll detach when ready!

  5. D_dUb420247

    I’ve heard that the internodes that are green should turn yellow also.

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