
Wife overpruned the tree. Any chance of survival?

Title says it all. Wife completely removed the canopy on this flowering tree. Is there a chance the tree will survive? Anything I can do now to increase the survival odds? We live in Midwest.

by surikama


  1. tiredshiba07

    Would be helpful to know what tree it is…

  2. deignguy1989

    Divorce. That’s unforgivable. Lol

  3. Thaumato9480

    Just let her know that there’s a greater risk of the tips dying and/or get disease when the cuts aren’t clean.

    Why on earth did she rip off the twigs?

  4. breezeandtrees

    none of those cuts look thoughtful is she fuming over something? There is a sucker at the base.

  5. smutbuster

    Oof. That is a terrible job. All the bark peeled off where she “cut”.

    She pulled branches off. It should be fine but that is a hack job if I’ve ever seen one

  6. Nome1958

    Why doesn’t she like that tree? It’s the wrong time of year to do that . You’ll be lucky if it lives.

  7. Rufus_T_Firefly2

    What does your Wife do for a day job?

    A local Branch Manager perhaps..?

  8. vegetariangardener

    Fall is not the time for major pruning!!

  9. TheShaneChapman

    Depends. Check her vitals and report back.

  10. Narrow_Ad_2539

    I once did this to a crepe myrtle and it did not survive lol I didn’t realize at the time there were rules to follow 😂 I hope your tree survives!

  11. bicyclemycology

    Don’t let her cut anyone’s hair and it should be okay

  12. BamaTony64

    It will survive but that is not pruning. That is butchery.

  13. BreadMaker_42

    Get a good set of hand pruners and clean up those cuts.

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