
Built this one for a lovely older couple who love gardening but finding it harder.

Popped back a year ish later to see how our work had done – chuffed to bits.

So this was one I designed again about a year ago, I had small part in building this one, I did the water feature but as per my last post I am becoming less able and it really helped with everyone’s positivity over my teams ability to build em and mine to think them up. Honestly it really helped as I just don’t want to feel useless and posting here was massive lift so thanks to all who upvoted.

So for fun I thought I’d post up another as we went back to install some dog proofing as the owners have a new assistance dog and we built their garden for their needs – hence the raised beds, no lawn etc. it was fun project as we used steel on the face of the borders and although it can be a cliche the golden ratio was just perfect for this one.

Hope you all like and great community👍

by Check_your_6

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