Plant Clinic

My coworker transfered these patients to my facility to see if I can save them. I’m afraid one is a goner though. Is it too late?

On top if that, she has no idea what they are. Plant
Parent app mustered all its strength and somehow identified them as Arabica and grape ivy. What do you guys think?

I received them bone dry and crispy yesterday evening. Immediate infusion of fluids were administered before I documented their injuries. After these photos the dead tissue was debrided. The ivy has maybe 1 or 2 remaining healthy leaves, the Arabica has one viable remaining stem. They're both in a west facing window that gets medium indirect light most of the day and about 2 hours of direct light in the evening.

Until I'm more confident about what they are I'm scared to give any fertilizers or do anything other than water and wait. She said she repotted them recently, and I don't know if they would survive another right now either.

What do you all suggest? Does the ivy even stand a chance?




    I can’t figure out how to edit my text 😒 clarification on the ivy leaves: I left more than 2 leaves on it after pruning, but only two are looking good. The rest are either a little crispy or a little floppy.

  2. outthedoorsnore

    In my non-professional opinion, if they’re fighters, you did the exact right thing. Just monitor and see who makes it.

    Let them be and you shall see. Good luck!

  3. Parttime_Magician

    Number one is definitely coffee plant. Second one…I can’t tell 😭 but whatever it is, may it recover. If it’s an ivy, that’s great news because they’re super resilient and it’ll bounce back.

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