Edible Gardening

6 MUST GROW Flowers For The Vegetable Garden – Permaculture Paradise

Flowers bring numerous benefits to a vegetable garden beyond just adding beauty – which has made our veg garden even more inviting and delightful for us to spend time in… and its not only us the flowers are enticing in!
Flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, which are essential for the reproduction of many vegetable plants. More pollination can lead to bigger and healthier harvests, they add biodiversity, can improve your soil health, can be a form of pest control AND they can be great companion plants for certain vegetables. In this video I share 6 of my favourite MUST GROW flowers for the vegetable garden.

We are Dan & Laurie and our land is called Freedom Forest – Its 3 acres in the South of England where we are creating an edible oasis and trying to provide as much for ourselves, from our land as possible, where we are completely off grid.
Our food growing journey began together in 2017 when we created our first No dig lasagne bed. Every year we grow more and more and now we are currently around 60-80% self sufficient in our food needs.
Our style and methods are inspired by permaculture and we try to be thoughtful about how and what we do, to be as gentle on the planet as possible.

We are MASSIVELY grateful that you choose to watch our Videos and support us in this way, however, If you appreciate and get value from what we share and would like to help us a little more, you can become a Freedom Forest Patreon (link below).
It takes us about a day to film some video and another few evenings to edit it, Patreon provides a way you can support what we do with any size donation you wish, it could simply be the value of a packet of seeds! We have many projects coming up, as well as wanting to improve our videos with better camera equipment… maybe even a drone one day to make our videos even more detailed and better quality for you to enjoy! You can help make it viable for us to keep putting the time into making these videos by becoming a Patreon. In return your name will appear in the end credits of our videos and we’ll message you a password for the ‘members area’ of our website where we share more of our favourite recipes exclusively for our Patreon’s 💚


Enjoy & Thanks for Watching

✌️🌿 Peace and Plants

#Freedomforest #permaculturegardening #companionplanting #vegetablegarden


  1. Absolutely love sunflowers 😊 this year we also planted more flowers than we normally would, for beauty and, more importantly, for the pollinators 🌻🏵️🐝🐝

  2. My Yacon flowered for the first time this year so I’m hoping that it translates to bigger tubers. My jerusalem artichoke has never flowered, so keeping a close eye on it this year. I planted a number of flowers for the first time including nasturtiums, borage and tithonia. My staples are marigold, cosmos and alyssum.Every year I add a few more. It’s so much fun to see the different colours of spring, summer and autumn.

  3. These 6 will all be growing in my garden next year 🌸 Cosmos will be there, too. I also love the "Takane Ruby Buckwheat" with its small, bright red and pink flowers 💕 Besides the species, the color palette is also very important to me. I love the different shades of peach, apricot or salmon, but also purple. There is even a purple nasturtium that I really want to see bloom 😍💜

  4. Amazing

    I’m gonna get camomile under the fruit trees next year.

    Does it self seed too?

    Gonna also make an effort to do sunflowers next year and grow beans up them, that’s such a good idea!

    My 3 sisters worked amazingly this year and I have some more refinements for next year to make it even better.

  5. Comfrey and borage for their obvious uses, and bright orange Californian Poppies for their stunning display. They self seed as well, so should return year after year.

  6. The sunflowers have been glorious this year. Great idea to grow beans up the poles. The bees love them. Our neighbour allotmenteer grows zinnia and dahlias – just a sea of colour. We cut sunflowers and the zinnias and they look beautiful together in a big vase.

  7. Oh my days, what an absolutely stunning garden! I was literally transported there, and what a journey! Phew! I have been adding more flowers to my garden each year. Feverfew being one of them being gifted so many. I was also gifted literally a large shopping bag of seeds ,flowers, and vegetables from a dear friend and colleague who sadly passed away last year. She will forever remain in my heart as I watch her seeds grow with such joy. I will definitely grow canna lillies and dahlias next year, please God 🙏🏾 I planted marshmallow plants and perennial poppies and borage, which is such a delight. Also, I will plant more fushsia. The flowers, with the stamens taken out, are apparently lovely in salads 🥗 This includes the berries. Peace and plants! ✌🏾 🌱🌻🌹🥦🌽🍅🥕🧄🥔🍆🌶🧅🥝🌾💐🌺

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