
Substrate mix help?

So I’m pretty experienced with aroids and make a substrate mix for my various genus (anthurium, alocasia, philo, etc). I recently started adding begonias to my collection and they’re mostly in moss, pon or stratum- I’m kinda realizing I don’t know what the best substrate is for them. Please tell me what you like to keep yours in!

by Short-Account-1995

1 Comment

  1. Desperate-Paper6034

    Anything well draining should do. Mine are in a mix of potting soil and perlite (50-50 ratio) to which I add a handful of clay balls or chunky pumice. I also grow them mostly in shallow bowls: they dry faster and also the surface of the soil is larger so the water evaporates and creates more humidity for the leaves above the soil. Distant photo as proof that they’re still alive , no close-up possible atm as I have a sleepy dog in my lap 😅.

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