Gardening Australia

How do i get rid of this stuff

Its everywhere and travelling up my sleepers


by Impressive-Safe-1084


  1. Kachel94

    Looks like liverwort, beautiful stuff that grows in really pure locations. If it isn’t hurting you maybe keep it if you can, otherwise a pressure washer will make short work of it.

  2. ButterEnriched

    Are you wanting to replace it with something or just have the bare dirt? If wanting to replace it, just dig it out where you need and it will probably be outcompeted by most things. If wanting bare dirt, this is actually your best case scenario and you should leave it- nature hates a vacuum.

    You don’t need to worry about it on the sleepers, they don’t really have roots so they won’t cause any harm. You can scrape or hose them off if you really want.

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