Plant Clinic

Is my Yucca over- or under-watered? How to restore it?

Is my Yucca over- or under-watered? How to restore it?

by Hitman1O1


  1. Hitman1O1

    I’ve had this Yucca for about three years now, but for the last couple of months it has been looking sad and the bottom leaves are yellowing.
    I over-waterered it in the first six months and moved into this bigger pot at that time. Since then I’ve been watering about half a glass of water (~100mL) every week (when hot) or two weeks. While also feeling the soil of course, it has always felt very dry to me.
    I’ve stopped watering for a duration of 5 weeks up to a month ago but I picked it up hoping it had dried sufficiently. But this morning I stripped another two dried, yellow leaves.

    I’d appreciate any advice!

  2. oroborus68

    Dracaena sp. Once a month or so, give it a good watering in the winter. Water in the summer when it dries out. Don’t worry about the yellow leaves there, the tree will hold onto them until Gabriel blows the horn.

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