
HOA says I need to trim back my live oak

I have a live oak in my front yard that overhangs the street some. The HOA wants me to trim those overhanging branches back. I'm looking for advice on which limbs to cut back and where to do it. I'm afraid to cut too much because it'll leave a big gap with no leaves on that side, and the tree won't look balanced. And that's what a live oak does; spread out for miles in every direction, as evidenced by the lack of grass underneath it.

I took these pictures this morning and tried to minimize the glare from the sun. I can get more at lunch today if needed.

Thanks in advance.

by MadDocHolliday


  1. Legitimate-Sky-7862

    If you don’t know what you are doing, I really recommend hiring someone who does, but that thing definitely needs to be trimmed as it’s impeding traffic. If I was driving down the road and had my snips in the back of the truck, you’d get a free quick cut from me.

  2. King_Wohali

    the only thing I can see it that the branches would definitely hit a tall person, if you’re willing you can trim up those beaches hanging over the side walk. Hopefully that is enough bc it’s a magnificent oak!

  3. Jim_in_tn

    Beautiful tree. Trim as little as possible.

  4. TheBlueHedgehog302

    Hire an arborist to trim it in the winter. Oaks shouldn’t be trimmed spring-fall due to the risk of getting infected with Oak Wilt

  5. dunkordietrying

    Picture 3 shows the majority of what needs to be trimmed on the street side. Trim as little as possible with cuts only being 2-5 inch diameter wood. Do not cut more than 15% canopy and honesty I think only a couple smaller branches need anything but pictures don’t show enough. Just raise up the corner close to the street. Anything else could be considered damaging to the tree and you should hire a ASCA (American society or consulting arborists) consultant to fight the HOA if they want more.

  6. Hanksta2

    Probably should have it trimmed before someone in a box truck does it for you.

  7. floridaS1000R

    Live oaks love a proper trimming. We trim any downward growth off ours. Looks like HOA is right about your tree. Just hire the right team to do it and you won’t be disappointed

  8. HeadMembership1

    There is a bit that will hit a truck, there is a bit that will hit a tall person. Those are your targets. the second picture is the angle that shows it best.

  9. craigslisp

    Limb up over the sidewalk, and I would also limb up over the road. We have a majestic redbud with a low limb over our driveway that every delivery box truck tries to get under. It’s a leader at this point, so I’m terrified to cut it.

  10. 20PoundHammer

    please read your HOA rules – this is pretty far off the setback. See what rule they think is compelling their request and make sure it applies so you all can be on the same page.

    The very low overhang on the sidewalk to curb should be snipped back a bit, 10′ clearance on road, 8′ on sidewalk), but thats a real minor trim. BTW, if you post in arborist forum the ubiquitous non-helpful ‘help’ comment someone or many always state – get an arborist, hire an arborist . . . is of course very unhelpful. For trimming anything >1″ in diameter – best to do it after the first frost of the season, smaller stuff – just take back to 1/4″ of root or to a node.

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