
How do I repot a giant plant?

That goofy leaf makes him just under 7’. He needed to be repotted months ago and I’ve let my boy go too long because I’m scared to mess with him. Any advice for doing it alone? My only potential helper is sick.

I have a 2gallon pot and the appropriate medium. I just don’t know how to physically do it. He’s anchored to the wall because he’s so front-heavy and once I take him off, I’ll need to hold him the whole time. Can he handle being laid down? Everything I’ve found online is “how to repot a (regular sized) plant”, AI giving a poor guess OR posts off Reddit that get short joke answers like: “with a friend”, “outside”, or “bathtub”. It’s frustrating. I don’t want to lose my boy.

by Ok-Meat-6476


  1. Spiritual-Island4521

    If I didn’t have another person who could help me I would probably put a small tarp on the ground and then lay the plant down on the tarp and remove the old pot.The hardest part is going to be not damaging the plant when you put it in a new pot.

  2. dothesehidemythunder

    I live alone with some large plants and yours looks like you could lay it down. I have used a tarp or even just a garbage bag to protect the root ball and keep things clean, and since your plant has an obvious “front” I would lay it done leaves up while you work. I’ve done this to prune root balls for instances where I can’t increase the pot size. Riskier but I’ve also rested plants up against something at an angle to put it to the side.

    Alternatively you could prep the new pot and medium so that you can just pull the plant out of the old pot and plop it in quickly if laying it down makes you feel uncomfortable. Then once it’s sitting in the new pot you can fill in with more medium as you need.

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